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The Anhydrides Joint Industry Taskforce is representing the producers/importers, formulators, and end-users of the substances Hexahydrophthalic Anhydride[1] (HHPA) and Methylhexahydrophthalic Anhydride[2] (MHHPA). These anhydrides are currently under regulatory pressure, due to their respiratory sensitising properties, and might fall under authorisation in the future. The AJIT was set up to:

  • Collect socio-economic information on the use of anhydrides
  • Gather information on exposure levels and risks associated with anhydrides and spread best practices on material handling and protective measures in view of continuous improvement
  • Inform regulatory authorities of possible risk management options for the use of Anhydrides



The structure of the industry using anhydrides is displayed. All manufactures/importers and the majority of formulators of anhydrides have joined the Anhydrides Joint Industry Taskforce.

End Users

End users are operating mainly in the electro-technical industry; the anhydrides are used as a monomer in a polymerization reaction with epoxy to produce a thermoset with unique electrical insulation properties.

As anhydrides are used as a monomer in a polymerisation reaction to form a polymer which electrically isolates switchgear and high voltage rotating devices, they are no longer pressent in the final article. The production process only occurs in an industrial setting.

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Producers of Switchgear

Switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is thus essential in the transmission and distribution of electricity throughout the EU. Companies operating in this sector are worth over €25 billion euro and employ over 200.000 people in Europe (T&D Europe). More information can be found in the AJIT Public Consultation Report.

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Production of High Voltage Rotating Machines (HVRM)

HVRM are the generators and motors which are used in industry to generate and effectively use electricity. Application of HVRM range from hydro and wind power generation to ship engines to industrial motors. More information can be found in the AJIT Public Consultation Report.

Voluntary Commitment

Since several literature reports were published at the end of the 1990s which demonstrated that the anhydrides could potentially have an adverse effect on the health of workers, industry has gradually implemented strict risk management measures to prevent the occurrence of occupational asthma, as a result no cases of adverse health effects have been seen in recent history (see AJIT Medical and Exposure Inventory Report).

Nonetheless, the Anhydrides Joint Industry Taskforce is committed to further reducing exposure as a continuous improvement process as a precautionary approach. Members will (amongst other things): measure exposure according to AJIT methodology, improve risk management measures, measure again and communicate on a yearly basis to the AJIT on the improvements made. The AJIT will report on these improvements on a yearly basis. Measures that have become the norm amongst the AJIT membership will be communicated by producers/importers through the Safety Data Sheets and exposure scenarios thereby becoming a legal obligation for all users. For more information see the (AJIT Voluntary Commitment Documentation)
